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Details for command setitemscript:
* setitemscript <item id>,"{ new script }",n;
Set a new script bonus to the Item. Very useful for game events.
You can remove an item's itemscript by leaving empty the itemscript argument.

n stands for which script to edit:
0: default script
1: on equip script
2: on unequip script

n defaults to 0.

Note: this command can only change scripts of items which already have a script (so empty scripts cannot be changed (yet, skottie dusn't know how to fix it atm)). It is not clear if this changes globally, or just for the attached person, since it never checks for attachment, I suppose it is globally.


> setitemscript 2637,"{ bonus bDamageWhenUnequip,40; if(isequipped(2236)==0)end; if(getskilllv(26)){skill 40,1;}else{skill 26,1+isequipped(2636);} }";
> setitemscript 2639,"";

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