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Details for command resetlvl:
* resetlvl <type>;
This is a character reset command, meant mostly for rebirth script supporting
Advanced jobs, which will reset the invoking character's stats and level
depending on the action type given. Valid action types are:

1 - Base level 1, Job level 1, 0 skill points, 0 base xp, 0 job xp, wipes the
status effects, sets all stats to 1. If the new job is 'Novice High', give
100 status points, give First Aid and Play Dead skills.
2 - Base level 1, Job level 1, 0 skill points, 0 XP/JXP. Skills and attribute
values are not altered.
3 - Base level 1, base xp 0. Nothing else is changed.
4 - Job level 1, job xp 0. Nothing else is changed.

In all cases it will also unequip everything the character has on.

Even though it doesn't return a value, it is used as a function in the official
rebirth scripts. Ask AppleGirl why.

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