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Details for command produce:
* produce <item level>;
This command will open a crafting window on the client connected to the invoking
character. The 'item level' is a number which determines what kind of a crafting
window will pop-up. You can see the full list of such item levels in
'db/produce_db.txt' which determines what can actually be produced.
The window will not be empty only if the invoking character can actually produce
the items of that type and has the appropriate raw materials in their inventory.

Valid item levels are:

1 - Level 1 Weapons
2 - Level 2 Weapons
3 - Level 3 Weapons
16 - Blacksmith's Stones and Metals
32 - Alchemist's Potions
64 - Whitesmith's Coins
123 - Whitesmith's Nuggets
256 - Assassin Cross's Deadly Poison

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