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Details for command maprespawnguild:
* maprespawnguild "mapname",<guild id>,<flag>;
This command goes through the specified map and for each player and monster
found there does stuff.

Flag is a bitmask (add up numbers to get effects you want)
1 - warp all guild members to their savepoints.
2 - warp all non-guild members to their savepoints.
4 - remove all monsters which are not guardian or emperium.

Flag 7 will, therefore, mean 'wipe all mobs but guardians and the emperium and
kick all characters out', which is what the official scripts do upon castle
surrender. Upon start of WoE, the scripts do 2 (warp all intruiders out).

Characters not belonging to any guild will warp out regardless of the flag setting.

For examples, check the WoE scripts in the distribution.

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