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Details for command copyarray:
* copyarray <destination array>[<first value>],<source array>[<first value>],<amount of data to copy>
This command lets you quickly shuffle a lot of data between arrays, which is in
some cases invaluable.

setarray @array[0], 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600;
// So we have made @array[]
copyarray @array2[0],@array[2],2;

// Now, @array2[0] will be equal to @array[2] (300) and
// @array2[1] will be equal to @array[3].

So using the examples above:
@array[0] = 100
@array[1] = 200
@array[2] = 300
@array[3] = 400
@array[4] = 500
@array[5] = 600

New Array:
@array2[0] = 300
@array2[1] = 400
@array2[2] = 0
@array2[3] = 0

Notice that @array[4] and @array[5] won't be copied to the second array, and it will return a

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